Aaron Loux
Aaron Loux (CBA ’23) is a dance artist and educator. From 2010 to 2022, he was a member of the Mark Morris Dance Group, performing in over 40 works by Morris and serving as an assistant to the choreographer from 2017 to 2019. He has also performed with the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, Christopher Williams, Charlotte Bydwell, Arc Dance Company, and most recently, with Cornfield Dance. He holds a B.F.A. from The Juilliard School, is a certified yoga teacher, and leads dance and yoga classes for adults of diverse backgrounds, ranging from beginners to professional dancers to persons living with Parkinson’s disease. He is currently pursuing a B.A. in humanities at Columbia University’s School of General Studies. In 2023, Aaron was the inaugural CBA-Juilliard Fellow at the Center for Ballet and the Arts at NYU, creating a new dance work performed by Juilliard students and the esteemed early music ensemble, Juilliard415. His dance writing will appear in the forthcoming Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 issues of PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.